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Unpublished data
Reducing vulnerability to climate change through enhanced community based biodiversity conservation in the Eastern Province of Rwanda: Biodiversity Baseline Inventory and Mapping of seven intervention sites in the Eastern Province of Rwanda
Taxa Observed
Clerodendrum johnstonii
Grevillea robusta
Grevillea robusta
Grevillea robusta
Gymnanthemum amygdalinum
Gymnosporia heterophylla
Hibiscus diversifolius
Jasminum schimperi
Lantana camara
Markhamia lutea
Microglossa densiflora
Ocimum lamiifolium
Phyllanthus fischeri
Rubus apetalus
Searsia natalensis
Senna occidentalis
Senna spectabilis
Tarenna pavettoides
Toona sinensis
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